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浙江地中海新能源设备有限公司现面向全国,诚招加盟商。 多功能生物质灶台/炊事灶 多功能生物质炊事灶是地中海公司积极响应鼓励清洁、地开发利用生物质原料变废为宝的政策,而精心研发的一款高端产品。该产品可替代酒店等行业现在使用的传统的油/气灶和落后的家庭用土灶,一炉多用,可以做饭、炒菜、烧水、采暖、烧炕等,炉灶头可以放置炒锅、蒸锅、压力锅、水壶等厨具,以满足不同需要。 快捷省时:点火迅速,开机即可马上进料点火,且可持续进料,无需停炉 控制简便:采用智能遥控板控制,点火和进料均为自动控制,操作极其简便 火力强猛:充分燃烧时灶口火焰温度可达到1000度左右 燃烧完全:合理采用一二次风配比,燃烧充分完全 清洁环保:燃尽灰全部接入灰斗,操作间无烟无尘 安全耐用:炉灶采用全封闭式燃烧技术,操作台面及主要部件均用耐高温,耐腐蚀不锈钢板制成,炉体采用保温隔热工艺,杜绝安全隐患,使用安全放心 外形亮丽:产品外包装板全部使用模压成型,颜色亮丽,美观大方 燃料优势:适用秸秆、木质等类生物质成型燃料, 运行成本低廉,比气炉省40%,比电炉省50%,比油炉省60%. 适用范围:可适用于广大宾馆、酒店、快餐、排挡、食堂、工厂、农村家庭的炊事、洗浴、取暖、烧炕等。集成功能, 采暖, 洗澡, 厨房清洁, 热炕, 炊事。 英文: Multifunctional biomass cooking stoves New multi-functional biomass stoves Multifunctional biomass cooking stove is a well-developed high-end product by Mediterranean company. This series produced in order to response to national policy, that is encouraging clean, efficient development and utilization of biomass, turning “waste” into wealth. This product can replace traditional oil / gas stove and backward household mud stove which being used in hotels and other industries. It is a multi-purpose stove, can be used for cooking, boiling, heating, etc. Wok, steamer, pressure cooker, kettle and other kitchen utensils can be put on the top of the stove, to meet different needs Saving time: ignite quickly; support immediately feeding and igniting after starting, sustainable feeding, no need to shutdown Easy control: Controlled by intelligent remote control board, lighting the fire and feeding the biomass particle are both automated, easy to use. Strong thermal power: stove flame temperature can reach to 1,000 degrees when sufficient burning. Complete combustion: Adopts reasonable configuration of primary and secondary air, combusts full and completely. Clean and green: Burning ashes are all access to the hopper, no smoke and dust in operating room Safe and durable: Stove uses totally enclosed type combustion technology. Worktop and main parts are made of high temperature resistant, corrosion-resistant stainless steel plate. The furnace uses heat insulation technology, eliminates security risks, it is safe to use. Beautiful appearance: Product’s outer packing boards are all use molding, soft colors, beautiful appearance.